Thursday, January 9, 2020

Utopian Society Essay - 1286 Words

John Locke points to man’s natural tendency to become a part of a society, and most commonly these societies also have governments which maintain order and protect the people under the said government. However, there are many forms of government, all of which have flaws and none of which can be considered a perfect government. One government, which is commonly found in the beginning of many societies, is a monarchy. John Locke himself lived under a monarchy and experienced the unequal division of power and the oppression of the people. In his Second Treatise of Government, John Locke analyzes society and government, and proposes a utopian society, which is an ideal society. John Locke attempts to create a utopian society in his Second†¦show more content†¦As Locke states, paternal power is the foundation of a monarchy, a form of government in which the line of succession takes place from father to son. However, by acknowledging that the mother also possesses an equal authority in parenting as the father, Locke strikes down the fundamental basis to a monarchy, inherently creating an ideal society without a monarchial government. Thus, Locke’s advocation for equality between men and women creates a utopian society because it satisfies the state of equality, while also bringing about the ultimate destruction of a monarchial government. In a similar way, John Locke attempts to create a utopian society through his perspective on slavery. John Locke’s perspective on slavery demonstrates his attempt to create a utopian society. He believes that a man is unable to give another person power over his life if he himself does not possess that power over his own life. Thus, Locke believes that because one does not have the liberty to take away his own life, he is unable to give this power to another person. 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